
Sugar, friend or foe?

Well this is probably the one thing I can passionately talk about. Sugar affects our body in such a negative way. I don’t know why it is not a banned substance. Probably because it makes us feel good (Like all banned substances) … but not in the long term and the health consequences are many.

In gymnastics, as in all sports, nutrition is key. Even though the athlete has to consume a higher amount of calories a day than the average human does, due to the constant training and energy consumption, the sources of energy and nutrition that we choose affect the outcome.

As a parent we can guard our children (and ourselves) by providing the right sources of nutrition and energy which will turn in to proper recovery , better performance and diminish or prevent the risk of injuries.

I want to share this image from a website that gives us a quick glimpse of why we should stop consuming sugar and that includes our child athlete, non-athlete and us.

Feel free to comment!

Created by Lisa Richards

Credits to Lisa Richards, digestive expert.

Spartan Race

So thanks to a couple friends of mine I went ahead and registered to a Spartan race here in Miami. Went to the race and it was a total blast. Went from I can, to I can’t, to I did it!. I even bumped into some of my family it was so nice to see them. Total blast. Will do again. Yeah!

Creating the Website

Well. A lot is involved in creating a website, planning pages, images, but mainly the content and linking Social Media. But it is a fun process. I guess when you believe in something it is not really that hard. So will be spending some time experimenting with options and layouts and settings so forth.

Any suggestions?

The Beginning


Well, this is the beginning of this Journey. We are in the planning process and we have a ton of ideas and desire the input and collaboration of others as well, including their personal experiences in this wonderful sport. Stories need to be told to encourage each other. So here we go.